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If you choose to send personal or confidential information over, or an email to Ryan C. Wood, The Law Offices of Ryan C. Wood, Inc. or submit your information for a free consultation or accessing this website it does not and cannot not form an attorney-client relationship, ever. To form an attorney-client relationship with The Law Offices Ryan C. Wood, Inc. or any of the above-mentioned people or entities you must first have spoken to one of our attorneys and entered into a written engagement letter that details the services to be provided and the fees for such services. The only time any communication can be considered privileged and confidential is if you are an existing client that has executed a retention agreement.
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All content and blog articles on this website are for informational purposes only. None of the information on this website is intended to serve as legal advice and should not be depended upon as the final word on any subject matter discussed or explained. Bankruptcy and legal matters in general depend upon each person’s individual income, expenses, assets and circumstances. Relying upon any of the information on this website is at your own risk and you should seek legal counsel licensed from to practice in your jurisdiction before taking any action.
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Nothing on this website, is intended to imply or predict the result or any outcome of any legal matter that you may be considering or involved in. We cannot and no bankruptcy attorney should or can guarantee you an outcome in a legal matter and Ryan C. Wood, The Law Offices of Ryan C. Wood. Inc. makes no warranties of any nature about the information on this website applying to your specific situation or set of circumstances. This website,, and all of the content on this website is designed to serve as general information only. You should not rely upon this website to provide any current developments regarding any law or reflect the most current developments in law, and may not be applicable in your jurisdiction. Ryan C. Wood and Law Offices of Ryan C. Wood, Inc. expressly disclaims any responsibility for action you may choose to take or avoid as a result of the information you obtain herein or based upon any errors or omissions in such information.
Contact information
The information on this site has been prepared by Ryan C. Wood and Law Offices of Ryan C. Wood, Inc. For additional information regarding this website, please contact Ryan C. Wood.
The Law Offices of Ryan C. Wood, Inc. is a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief pursuant to
the Bankruptcy Code.