If you are having difficulties with credit card debts, facing foreclosure, owe the Internal Revenue Service or Franchise Tax Board bankruptcy can help. Schedule a Free Consultation today and find out if bankruptcy is right for you and your family. All of our consultations are with attorneys only. You deserve a fresh start and personal service for a reasonable fee. We are affordable San Jose bankruptcy attorneys and lawyers.
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
- Get Rid of Underwater Second Mortgages and Equity Lines of Credit
- Stop Foreclosure of Your Home
- Payoff Taxes Without Interest or Penalties
- Pay Unsecured Debts With No Interest
We know this is a difficult time in your life and choosing the right solution is very important. We answer our phones personally and answer your emails directly usually within 24 hours. You will not speak with inexperienced paralegals or legal assistants regarding your case. We are not a firm looking to retain as many clients as humanly possible and trying to spend the least amount of time on your case. We charge reasonable fees based upon the amount of work in your case based upon your circumstances. Many large firms are considered mills. They take on as many cases as possible for fees that are sometimes more than what we charge and provide clients with very little service. We are with you every step of the way and will appear at your hearings personally. Rarely do we ever have an appearance attorney appear for us that you have no connection with or even know their name until right before the hearing.
We have offices throughout the Bay Area for your convenience. Some of our clients may live in one part of the Bay Area but work in another. Meeting us close to where you work may be the most convenient place for a free consultation and will do what is possible to accommodate you and your family.
During your free consultation we will discuss your income, expenses and assets to determine what your best course of action is. Sometimes a Chapter 7 is the best option or a Chapter 13 case to put you in the best financial position after filing. It is important that you know what your expenses are and are truthful about your income, expenses and assets. We will ask you to bring a few recent pay statements to verify your income and any other documents you feel will be important. Bankruptcy should not be considered the end, but the beginning of a better life debt free and hopefully stress free. That is the whole point in seeking bankruptcy protection and obtaining a discharge of your eligible debts.